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/******************************************************* * Glory 3.0 Code * * This is the transmitter code. * * * * Author: Rodrigo Mompó Redoli * * with Arduino comunity help * * Webpage: * * Email: * *******************************************************/ #include <LiquidCrystal.h> //Librarys #include <VirtualWire.h> // Variables const int Sensor1Pin = A1; // Joystick pins const int Sensor2Pin = A2; const int Sensor3Pin = A3; const int Sensor4Pin = A4; const int ledPin = 13; int selectstatus= 0; int Menupag = 1; int ModoCabeza = 0; int Laserstatus = 0; int reading = 0; int Sensor1Data; int Sensor2Data; int Sensor3Data; int Sensor4Data; int fire; long previousMillis; long currentMillis; char Sensor1CharMsg[30]; // String were all the varaibles will be stored LiquidCrystal lcd(8,3,4,5,6,7); // define the pins for the lcd void setup() { // LED pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT); // Sensor(s) pinMode(Sensor1Pin,INPUT); pinMode(Sensor2Pin,INPUT); pinMode(Sensor3Pin,INPUT); pinMode(Sensor4Pin,INPUT); pinMode(2,INPUT); // Fire botton lcd.begin(16,2); // Lcd lcd.setCursor(3,0); lcd.print("Glory 3.0"); // for debuggin Serial.begin(9600); // VirtualWire setup vw_setup(2000); // Bits per sec delay(1000); } void loop() { // Read and store Sensor 1 data Sensor1Data = analogRead(Sensor1Pin); Sensor2Data = analogRead(Sensor2Pin); Sensor3Data = analogRead(Sensor3Pin); Sensor4Data = analogRead(Sensor4Pin); //This code is made to prevent fire several bullets at the same time currentMillis = millis(); if(digitalRead(2)== 1 && currentMillis - previousMillis > 1000) { previousMillis = currentMillis; fire = 1;} else{fire = 0;} //Convert the variables into a string sprintf(Sensor1CharMsg, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,", Sensor1Data, Sensor2Data, Sensor3Data, Sensor4Data, ModoCabeza, Laserstatus, fire); //* DEBUG Serial.print("Sensor1 Integer: "); Serial.print("X"); Serial.print(Sensor1Data); Serial.print("Y"); Serial.print(Sensor2Data); Serial.print("X1"); Serial.print(Sensor3Data); Serial.print("Y1"); Serial.print(Sensor4Data); Serial.print("Sensor1Datamsg"); Serial.print(Sensor1CharMsg); Serial.println("//"); // END DEBUG*/ digitalWrite(13,LOW); // Turn on a light to show transmitting vw_send((uint8_t *)Sensor1CharMsg, strlen(Sensor1CharMsg)); vw_wait_tx(); // Wait until the whole message is gone // Turn off a light after transmission delay(2); digitalWrite(13,HIGH); // Turn off a light to show transmitting reading = analogRead(0); // read the botons Serial.println(analogRead(0));// For debug DisplayData(); }DisplayData
void DisplayData(){ // this code lets you select differents menus if(reading == 0){ if(Menupag==3){} else{Menupag++;} } if(reading == 481){ if(Menupag==1){} else{Menupag--;} } switch(Menupag){ case 1: Menu1(); break; case 2: Menu2(); break; case 3: Menu3(); break; } }Menu1
void Menu1(){ // This code display informatión about the movement of the robot int variable =map(Sensor1Data,0,1023,0,3); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Direcion:"); lcd.setCursor(10,0); switch( variable ){ case 0: lcd.print("Atras"); break; case 1: switch(map(Sensor2Data,0,1023,0,3)){ case 0: lcd.print(" <== "); break; case 1: lcd.print("Stop"); break; case 2: lcd.print(" ==> "); break; } break; case 2: lcd.print("Ade"); break; case 3: lcd.print("Ade"); break; } lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("X: "); lcd.print(Sensor1Data); lcd.print(" Y: "); lcd.print(Sensor2Data); }Menu2
void Menu2(){ // this menu display information of the head of the robot lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("ModoCabeza: "); lcd.setCursor(11,0); //This part of the code let's you to select diferent modes for the head if(reading == 722){ switch(ModoCabeza){ case 0: ModoCabeza = 1; break; case 1: ModoCabeza = 2; break; case 2: ModoCabeza = 0; break; } } switch(ModoCabeza){ case 0: lcd.print("Movil"); break; case 1: lcd.print(" Fijo"); break; case 2: lcd.print("Ultra"); break; } lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("X: "); lcd.print(Sensor4Data); lcd.print(" Y: "); lcd.print(Sensor3Data); }Menu3
void Menu3(){ // display the laser status and let you chage it lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Laser: "); lcd.setCursor(8,0); if(reading == 722){ switch(Laserstatus){ case 0: Laserstatus= 1; break; case 1: Laserstatus = 0; break; } } switch(Laserstatus){ case 0: lcd.print("OFF"); break; case 1: lcd.print("ON"); break; } }
Robot Glory 3.0 Arduino Mega
/******************************************************* * Glory 3.0 Code * * This is the code that Glory runs. You need also * * a robot controler with the transmitter code. * * * * Author: Rodrigo Mompó Redoli * * with Arduino comunity help * * Webpage: * * Email: * *******************************************************/ #include <VirtualWire.h>//Librarys #include <ServoTimer2.h>// You can`t use VirtualWire and Servo library together, // both use the same Arduino Timer. You nedd to use ServoTimer2.h that use Timer2 of the arduino. // This code have extracts from differents tutorials on the web that I used long time ago, so I can remmeber the authors #define MOTOR1_DIR_PIN 4 // Dir #define MOTOR1_PWM 5 // CH2 Left Motor #define MOTOR2_DIR_PIN 7 // Dir #define MOTOR2_PWM 6 // CH3 Right Motor #define MOTOR_DIR_FORWARD 0 #define MOTOR_DIR_BACKWARD 1 //Variables for Pan/Tilt servomotors int oneb; int previousoneb; int servo1x; int twob; int previoustwob; int servo2x; //Creating servo objects ServoTimer2 one; ServoTimer2 two; // Values from RF int Sensor1Data; int Sensor2Data; int Servo1; int Servo2; int ModoCabeza; int Laser; int finish; //Pin for the laser int Laserpin = 2; int Canonpin = 3; int sensorcanon = 8; int firesensor; long previousMillis; long currentMillis; // RF Transmission container char Sensor1CharMsg[26]; void setup() { digitalWrite(Canonpin, HIGH); Serial.begin(9600);//For debuggin // Setup pins for motor 2 pinMode(MOTOR1_DIR_PIN,OUTPUT); pinMode(MOTOR1_PWM,OUTPUT); // Setup pins for motor 2 pinMode(MOTOR2_DIR_PIN,OUTPUT); pinMode(MOTOR2_PWM,OUTPUT); // Sets the digital pins as output pinMode(13, OUTPUT); pinMode(Laserpin, OUTPUT); pinMode(Canonpin, OUTPUT); pinMode(sensorcanon, INPUT); //Attach the servo to enable their use one.attach(9); two.attach(10); // VirtualWire //(see for more information and tutorials) vw_setup(2000);//Bits per second vw_set_rx_pin(11);//Set receiver Pin // Start the receiver PLL running vw_rx_start(); Serial.print("Ready");//For debuggin } // END void setup void loop(){ TakingData();//Call a funtion that takes the data from RF //Control del laser if(Laser==1){digitalWrite(Laserpin,LOW);} else{digitalWrite(Laserpin,HIGH);} Serial.println(Laser); MotorControl();//Control the robot motors // For controling the cannon currentMillis = millis(); if(firesensor == 1 && currentMillis - previousMillis > 500) { previousMillis = currentMillis; digitalWrite(Canonpin,LOW); delay(10); fire();} digitalWrite(Canonpin,HIGH); Serial.print(digitalRead(sensorcanon)); PanTilt();//Loop for controling the Pan/Tilt Head }Cannon
// This loop runs until the sensor of the cannon it's activeted when a bullet has been shooted void fire(){ while (digitalRead(sensorcanon) == 0){ digitalWrite(Canonpin,LOW); } }MotorControl
// This funtion Control the motors // for moving the robot void MotorControl(){ int speed1 = map(Sensor1Data,500,69,0,255); int speed2 = map(Sensor1Data,500,1023,0,255); int variable =map(Sensor2Data,0,1023,0,3);//Take Y coordinate switch( variable ){ case 0: // The robot go Backward motorStart(1, MOTOR_DIR_BACKWARD); setSpeed(1, 100); motorStart(2, MOTOR_DIR_BACKWARD); setSpeed(2, 100); delay(2); break; case 1: // In this case three new posibilities apeared switch(map(Sensor1Data,0,1023,0,3)){ case 0: //Robot goes right motorStart(2, MOTOR_DIR_BACKWARD); setSpeed(1, speed1); motorStart(1, MOTOR_DIR_FORWARD); setSpeed(2, speed1); delay(2); break; case 1: //Robot stop motorStop(1); motorStop(2); break; case 2: //Robot goes left motorStart(2, MOTOR_DIR_FORWARD); setSpeed(1,speed2); motorStart(1, MOTOR_DIR_BACKWARD); setSpeed(2,speed2 ); delay(2); break; } break; case 2: // The motor go Fordward motorStart(1, MOTOR_DIR_FORWARD); setSpeed(1,100); motorStart(2, MOTOR_DIR_FORWARD); setSpeed(2, 100); delay(2); break; } }Motor_Control_Funtions
/*Here there are three funtions: setSpeed(); motorStart(); motorStop(); All funtions are used for motor control */ void setSpeed(char motor_num, char motor_speed) { if (motor_num == 1) { analogWrite(MOTOR1_PWM, motor_speed); } else { analogWrite(MOTOR2_PWM, motor_speed); } } void motorStart(char motor_num, byte direction) { char pin_dir; if (motor_num == 1) { pin_dir = MOTOR1_DIR_PIN ; } else { pin_dir = MOTOR2_DIR_PIN ; } switch (direction) { case MOTOR_DIR_FORWARD: { digitalWrite(pin_dir,LOW); } break; case MOTOR_DIR_BACKWARD: { digitalWrite(pin_dir,HIGH); } break; } } void motorStop(char motor_num) { setSpeed(motor_num, 0); if (motor_num == 1) { digitalWrite(MOTOR1_DIR_PIN ,HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(MOTOR2_DIR_PIN ,HIGH); } }PanTilt
/* This funtion control the head with the camera and the shootcanon*/ void PanTilt(){ if(ModoCabeza== 0){ int onea = map(Servo1,950,0,2175,600); one.write(onea + 50);//vertical int twoa = map(Servo2,940,30,600,2000); two.write(twoa + 100);// horizontal previousoneb = onea; previoustwob = twoa; } if (ModoCabeza == 1){ if(Servo1<350&&previousoneb<2300){oneb = previousoneb+10; one.write(oneb); previousoneb = oneb;} if(Servo1>550&& previousoneb>754){oneb = previousoneb-10; one.write(oneb); previousoneb = oneb;} if(Servo2<550&&previoustwob<2300) {twob = previoustwob+10; two.write(twob);previoustwob = twob;} if(Servo2>400&& previoustwob>754){twob = previoustwob-10; two.write(twob);previoustwob = twob;} delay(2); } if (ModoCabeza == 2){ if(Servo1<350&&previousoneb<2300){oneb = previousoneb+3; one.write(oneb); previousoneb = oneb;} if(Servo1>550&& previousoneb>754){oneb = previousoneb-3; one.write(oneb); previousoneb = oneb;} if(Servo2<550&&previoustwob<2300){twob = previoustwob+3; two.write(twob);previoustwob = twob;} if(Servo2>400&& previoustwob>754){twob = previoustwob-3; two.write(twob);previoustwob = twob;} } delay(10); }TakingData
/*This funtion take the data from the RF and store it in diferent integres for controling the robot*/ void TakingData(){ //For taking data from RF and store it uint8_t buf[VW_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; uint8_t buflen = VW_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; //Taking the data from the control base if (vw_get_message(buf, &buflen)) { int i; digitalWrite(13,HIGH); // Message with a good checksum received, dump it. for (i = 0; i < buflen; i++){ // Fill Sensor1CharMsg Char array with corresponding // chars from buffer. Sensor1CharMsg[i] = char(buf[i]);} //A funtion used for taking a string with all the data and convert it in differents number variables sscanf(Sensor1CharMsg, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",&Sensor1Data, &Sensor2Data,&Servo1,&Servo2,&ModoCabeza,&Laser,&firesensor); // Convierte un string en un array Serial.print("Read"); //For debuggin Serial.print(Sensor1CharMsg); //For debuggin } delay(10); digitalWrite(13,LOW); }